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The Shoulder

Animal Bite

An animal bite to the hand is very common and can cause pain and other problems, especially when it becomes infected. Early and proper treatment is the key to prevent problems from an animal bite.

Brachial Plexus Injury

The brachial plexus is a group of nerves that come from the spinal cord in the neck and travel down the arm. These nerves control the muscles of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, as well as provide feeling in the arm.

Cortisone Shot

A cortisone shot can be used to treat some problems in the arm and hand. These can include trigger fingers, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, tennis elbow and rotator cuff tendonitis. These injections usually contain a numbing medicine.

Dislocated Shoulder

The normal shoulder joint can be thought of as a golf ball balancing on a tee. If a large enough force in the right direction is applied to the arm, the ball will dislocate from the socket, resulting in a dislocated shoulder.

Fibromyalgia Hand Pain

Fibromyalgia is a condition that typically involves widespread pain. This diagnosis can have many different manifestations. The condition is generally considered to be centered around a heightened sensitivity of the nervous system, especially in the brain.

Fractures in Children

Among the most common injuries to the hand and wrist in children are broken bones, also known as fractures. Children are not just small adults. Their bones have a different consistency and quality, like soft, fresh wood, as compared to when we age, our bones become more dried-out and brittle. Because children are still growing, their injuries need different evaluation, and sometimes different treatment.

Hand Surgery Anesthesia

Anesthesia is a way to control pain during a surgery or procedure using medication. The types of medications used for this purpose are called anesthetics. Anesthesia can help control breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Hand Therapy

Hand therapy is a type of rehabilitation performed by an occupational or physical therapist for patients that have conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities.

Heat Treatment and Cold Treatment

Applying a heat treatment or cold treatment is a common method for treating injuries, stiffness, swelling and pain.

How to Treat a Burn

When the skin comes in contact with something hot, it may be damaged, with death of cells in the skin. The severity of the injury depends on the intensity of the heat and the length of time that it is in contact with either heat or certain chemicals.