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Personal Assistance

Preparation Guide

After surgery, you may require assistance from—or total dependence upon—another person when performing a multitude of daily tasks. From dressing and showering to childcare and running errands, be prepared to ask for help from people whom you and your family are comfortable with. The following is for informational purposes only and should be used at your discretion.

  • Identify a family member or close friend who will be able to monitor and assist you throughout your recovery period, particularly for the week following surgery. It is especially necessary for that person to stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery so that he or she can help you get settled and maneuver around the house.
  • If neighbors and friends offer to make food for you, accept! These people care about you and are looking for some way to help. Plus, you will probably get tired of eating redundant microwave dinners.
  • If you have children, be very watchful of toys, games, controllers, or any other out-of-place items. You should ask your babysitter or a close friend or relative to stay with you to assist with childcare.
  • Inform your mailman that you will be having surgery. He or she might be willing to drop off the mail at your door.
  • If necessary, ask your spouse, a close friend, or a relative to help you as you shower or bathe. If you don’t require assistance while you shower, simply have him or her help while you enter and exit the shower or bathtub to prevent any slips or falls that could cause re-injury.