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Heat Safety for Summer Training

Heat illness occurs when the body cannot cool itself down. The three most common types of heat illness are heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. 

Ensure that your athletes (and you) don’t suffer from heat illness during any outdoor training, practices, or games. 

Follow these rules for maximum heat protection:

  • Have athletes drink 24 oz of water before exercising in the heat.
  • Consider wearing lightweight, loose, and light-colored clothing when able.
  • Try to schedule practices or have athletes train during the coolest time of day, either early in the morning or late at night.
  • Have everyone wear sunscreen if they will be in direct sunlight.
  • For outdoor practices and training, take advantage of shaded areas as much as possible.
  • Have plenty of water breaks to have athletes drink 6 to 8 oz of water every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise.

If you have an athlete you suspect is suffering from a heat-related illness, get a doctor consult immediately. For follow-up needs or more information, call Desert Orthopaedic Center at (702) 731-4088 and ask for our sports medicine experts.