Appointments: (702) 731-4088  |  Other Inquiries: (702) 731-1616  |  Click for Fax Numbers

Is the CORI◊ System for You?

Robotic-assisted surgical systems are used in joint replacement to promote accuracy, enhance control, and spare any healthy bones, ligaments, or other tissues from being removed.

In preoperative planning, the imaging software gives your joint replacement specialist the ability to create a personalized plan that meets your specific needs and predefine the boundaries of your operation.

During surgery, the robotic assistance and intraoperative software help doctors perform complex techniques with enhanced precision and flexibility.

Robotic-assisted joint replacements come with many benefits, including:

  • Consistent & accurate results
  • Improved joint mobility
  • Minimal blood loss
  • Preservation of healthy bone
  • Quicker recovery time

To learn more about the CORI Surgical System or if you are suffering from joint pain, schedule an appointment online with one of our joint replacement specialists at Desert Orthopaedic Center or call (702) 731-4088.